Wednesday, January 24th
Francis de Sales
Ephesians 3:8-12. John 15:9-17
Let love so fill your heart
and mind that it directs
all thought and action.
This is achieved by purity
of mind and singleness of
purpose. Seek truth and
power to walk in it , open
to the challenge of the
Father's will for you .
I come to fill and to enable
every heart and mind committed
to the Father's will and
loving purpose. I am the
Way, the Truth, the Life,
the Father's Word Incarnate
and Incarnate Love.
So all who are in Me are
in the Father too, and all
who love and serve the Father
are empowered by Our saving,
sanctifying love; Our loving
Holy Spirit cleanses and
inspires all the faithfully
committed in the Way.
Love, then , without reserve
or limitation. We will so
fill your mind and heart
and life that others are
inspired by it . . For they
will recognise the Presence
of Eternal, Comprehensive
I speak to one, I speak
to all.