Friday, January 5th
1 John 3:11-21. John 1:43-51

Love without limit and without hope of gain. As love is welcomed in the heart and mind it becomes the dynamic of all good relationships and right action. What is right action? It is proceeding in obedience to the Father's will and loving purpose. And how may that be known save by consistent prayer and self-giving in love?

I am the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. . I seek and save each child of man who reaches out for truth, however feebly and uncertainly. I enter every heart and mind which seeks to follow where truth leads: I am his power to love and Love Itself . So do I unite the loving soul both with the Father and with the sons of men. For it is the Father's will and loving purpose to unite all the faithfully committed to the truth in love both with Himself and with the faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love. For this I lived a human life. For this I died. For this I was raised up again. For this I give Myself to all who seek in trust and love and give themselves to Love Incarnate and Incarnate Truth.