Sunday, January 21st
Nehemiah 8:2-6., 8-10. 1 Cor. 12:12-30. Luke 1:1-4., 4:14-21

Desire the Father's will in all things: keep your mind steadfast in commitment to His loving purpose. This is identified through constant prayer and faithfulness to your perception of it. Pray that Our Holy Spirit will illuminate your way and guide you in it. I will enable and indwell your heart and mind as you accommodate My Presence in your soul - and with Our Holy Spirit - inspire you in The Way.

Each has his place in the Father's Kingdom, each his particular contribution to the family of man, however small that may appear . Let no-one judge the offering of another: the Father sees and knows all: His measure is the substance of self-giving love .

All are called and challenged into service and self-giving both to the Father and to their fellowmen. This is the secret of eternal life and is progressed through obedience in love and faithfulness in all things.

Joy in the Presence of the Father and in the whole company of Heaven is the reward of all committed in Our saving, sanctifying love.