Wednesday, December 5th
Isaiah 25:6-10. Matt. 15:29-37

I fed and led those who came to Me in My Incarnate life. I healed the sick and restored sight and hearing , and enabled cripples to walk and run again . These were brought to Me by others who desired their restoration to new life and independence in their life and living.

Pray that the present generation and all yet to be born into the Father's glorious world may realise their personal responsibility for others. Each child of man has friends and neighbours and relatives, and each is challenged to respond in caring love to the needs of others and to give in substance and in every way he can to enhance their lives for good - as he is led and guided.

The Father pours His gifts both spiritual and material upon His world of men and women. He feeds and nurtures them, enabling them to provide both for themselves and others. And He offers Me, His Son beloved and loving, to all who seek the way, the truth, the life. I am the Bread of Life. As I am taken into heart and mind I feed the soul and bring the faithfully committed in Our love into the fullness which the Father purposes for all who seek to love and serve Him and their fellowmen and women.