Thursday, December 13th
St. Lucy
Isaiah 26:1-6. Matt. 7:21,24-28. 2 Cor. 10:7-11. Matt. 25:1-13

Be ready at all times to receive that which the Father yearns to give, namely His Love Incarnate Who also is His Incarnate Word. There is no truth save that which issues from the Father nor love which is not from His Being. Listen for the Father's word within your mind, and pray for obedience to His will and loving purpose.

The Father's loving purpose is that all obedient to His word shall come into His Kingdom through My Indwelling and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit - this both for the one and many in every race and time, in every creed and true commitment. Truth is the key and love, the -power and faithfulness to that pure light the Father gives to every one of His beloved children who seek for truth in love and in self-giving.

All who care about their true well being consider this in depth and prepare to follow as they are led and guided. Through obedience to love the way is found, the Father's Kingdom reached and joy eternal celebrated by the one and many in the Father's Kingdom of eternal love.