Wednesday, December 12th
Isaiah 40:25-31. Matt. 11:28-30

Have faith in Me and trust in Our enabling. The Father brought you into being an continually guards and guides you in the way as you continue faithful. I am in the secret places of your heart and mind waiting for your time and your attention. Our Holy Spirit lightens and reveals the truth as you respond to Our revealing and enlivening.

And so it is for all who seek reality in their life and living. It is the Father's will and loving purpose that all who seek will find and all who find will know the joy and fullness of His Presence with all the redeemed and sanctified.

Awake to your tremendous destiny and do not let one moment pass which is not dedicated to Love's most loving purpose for you and for all the faithfully committed and the true of heart.

Be strong in resolution, firm in commitment. So will you know the joy which has no end and even so the peace which passes human understanding.