Monday, December 24th
2 Sam. 7:1-5.8-12.14-16. Luke 1:67-79

Let your heart and mind and spirit be vigilant at this the eleventh hour . All waiting to receive Incarnate Love will receive Him in the centre of their inner being . Acknowledge His most loving Presence : He is the Father's love expressed in human terms of vulnerability and mortality . That vulnerability witnesses to the compassion of the Father , mortality is transcended by the Father's love for Him and for all men and women and the children of all times and places . I am that Love and the Incarnate Word .

Come humbly and lovingly to the place of faithful giving and receiving . The Father gives to His beloved children His Most Precious Gift , even His Beloved Son , and He asks reciprocal love towards Himself : that is their giving and devotion and self-offering .Through this deep and wondrous exchange of faithfulness and love you are made whole and holy in the embrace of transcendent love and power and glory and united with the redeemed and sanctified creation that the Father's will and loving purpose may be fulfilled in joy and life eternal .