Friday, December 28th
Holy Innocents
1 John 1:1-5.- 2:2. Matt. 2:13-18

I am the world's salvation. Through My life and death you are redeemed as you enter in the fellowship of the redeemed through My Indwelling . Our Holy Spirit enters in the soul of the redeemed and sanctifies them according to the Father's will and loving purpose. As they continue faithful they are brought to life eternal and joy unbounding in the fellowship of light and joy of their Heavenly Father's Presence.

Shun all selfishness and self-interest and evil influence of all kinds Sin can destroy and not infrequently does - such is the sadness of all who witness it . But cruelty and evil cannot harm the innocent and the true of heart. They are in the Father's care and keeping in time and through eternity.

Let your witness to eternal truth and love be strong and pure whate'er the consequences. Pray that this be so both for yourself and for all other's in the Father's world. And constantly bear within your heart and mind all who suffer at the hands of others and for their relatives and friends and dear ones. Our healing and enwholing will enable and empower you.