Tuesday, December 11th
St. Damasus
Isaiah 40:1-11. Matt. 18:1-13. Acts 20:17-18,28-32,36. John 15:9-17

All the sons of men are children of the Father unless they wilfully withdraw from truth and trust to serve the gods of faithlessness and of self-interest. And all are part of His joyful family, called to increasing, joyful union with Him and fellowship with one another .The way to faithfulness and joy in Him and fellowship with all is through love which is His gift . The Father pours His love on all who seek to follow in the way He calls and leads them. In time He sent His Son, beloved and loving, to be His love in action in the world of men. I am that love, His Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. Through My life and death and resurrection and through My risen life I ceaselessly bring His love to all who seek the way to righteousness and truth.

And that same love is the rich and fruitful fellowship between the faithfully committed. I have commanded you and every beloved son and daughter of the loving Heavenly Father to love in depth and in self-giving. According to the quality of your loving you reveal your faithfulness to Me and reflect the face of love within your heart and mind.