Thursday, May 4th
5:22-35. John 3:31-36
No one is worthy to receive
the word the Father gives
to all who love and who
strive, however falteringly,
to do His will. But each
is offered worthiness through
My self-giving in its costliness
and entirety. All who seek
forgiveness for past sin
and failure in commitment
and in faithfulness are
brought along the way of
life eternal. And they are
given that dignity and peace
within the Father's Kingdom
which He planned for them
from the beginning, through
the grace and power of Our
saving, sanctifying love.
For Love Incarnate is their
inheritance and their dynamic
to become and do the Father's
will in all things He appoints
and has lovingly prepared
from the beginning.
In times of challenge and
in your prayer and meditation
relate to My Indwelling
Presence in your heart and
mind. So will Incarnate
Love grow and develop in
your soul as you respond
in faithfulness.