Wednesday, May 17th
Acts 12:24-13:5. John 12:44-50

The Father is the source of every blessing. And Me He has appointed to be His surrogate, as I appoint the children of His love. Each child of man who seeks the truth and power to walk in it I bring into eternal life, and each is charged to be Our love to others as he continues faithful.

Be faithful, then, receptive to Our light and life and teaching. Such is the Father's purpose for all the sons of men that they may come to fullness and perfection and be Our light and power to all with whom they have to do.

I am The Resurrection and The Life, The Bread of Life and The Good Shepherd.. I am The Sustenance, The Light, The Means, The True Vine ; I am The Way, The Truth, The Life in time and through eternity.