Friday, May 26th
Saint Philip Neri
Philippians 4:4-9. John 17:20-26

I am in the Father and He in Me. I am in the faithfully committed in Our love and they in Me. So are they in the Father through My redemptive offering and He in them. Herein is perfect unity in fact and purpose. So has it been since time began; so shall it be for evermore and through eternity.

Be joyful, then, in all things. Let all pain and sadness be irradiated by Our Indwelling. This is the Father's will and loving purpose, and He will bring all things to completion and perfection as they are offered to Our saving, sanctifying love.

Let all who seek the truth in love and self-giving work at identifying and fulfilling the Father's will for them which they can do by constant seeking Me in their soul's centre. My silent Presence is unfailingly there to reveal the Father's will, resource the doing of it, and to give peace and rest and joy to all who call.