May 31st
Visitation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
Romans 12:9-16. Luke 1:39-56
Let love so fill your heart
and mind that you become
an active agent of the Father's
will and loving purpose.
I will direct your going
in the way as you submit
your total self: Our Holy
Spirit will enlighten and
enfire you constantly.
The obedience of My Mother,
blessed above all women
in her faithfulness, provides
a pattern and a model for
all the faithfully committed
in Our love. Her joy she
ceaselessly expressed in
praise and thanksgiving
and in the offering of her
total self to the loving
purpose of the Father for
His beloved world.
And now My Mother, beloved
and loving in the Kingdom
of the blest, prays for
the sons and daughters of
the Father 's love, with
all the redeemed and sanctified,
and offers my suffering,
death, and risen life to
the compassionate and all-loving
Father, and so completes
My human offering and eternal