Wednesday, May 3rd
Philip and James
1 Cor. 15:1-8. John 14:6-14
You have the truth and
the soundings of Reality.
Have courage, then, and
fortitude: commit your substance
and your total self in love
and self-giving. Hold nothing
back, but ceaselessly pray
for light and wisdom in
the way.
I am The Way to fullness
and perfection. Put on the
mantle of My saving love
and continually welcome
me within the centre of
your being. I am in the
heart and mind of every
child of man, graciously
and gloriously alive in
those whom men call "saints",
and waiting to be welcomed
and related to within the
soul of each and every one.
After the radical commitment
to Dynamic Love must come
the daily and continual
self-giving. In some the
progress is gradual and
continual. In some there
is rejection of the light:
pray constantly for these,
and share Our pain and Our
deep yearning for their
Desire the Father's will
and loving purpose, and
pray for faithfulness in
all things. So will We bring
you to fulfilment and perfection
in due time in the power
of Our saving, sanctifying