Monday May 1st
Acts 4:23-31. John 3:1-8

Rejoice in all things as you learn to live in total self-giving to the Father. He is the Lord of all - where He is not is negative reality. Nothing can destroy this truth which is for each one of His beloved sons and daughters. Through sin, self-will and ignorance many lost the way to fullness and perfection: each child of man has often taken steps which mar his progress in the Father. For each child of man I came to earth in time, I lived a human life and died a cruel death, that each may have that life eternal which the Father offers. He raised Me from the dead to take again that place beside Him which He gave Me from the beginning. And in the power of My risen life each child of man who lives in love and self-giving is one with Us for evermore as He continues faithful in Our saving, sanctifying love. And as I minister to each child of man whoever lived or ever will, so are there many who, though not perceiving My identity, proceed along the way, protected and encouraged by My unceasing shepherding.