Tuesday, March 9th
Matt 23:11

Did not the Son of Man come from the Father not to be served but to serve? He, the Father’s Beloved and Loving Son identified in all things with humanity and with each beloved son of the loving Heavenly Father. He laid aside His power and His glory to receive it from the Father and the Holy Spirit for the service of humanity and for the healing and enwholing of every faithful follower.

And through My life and death and resurrection the sons of men are made My surrogates of power to heal and lead and teach and to extend the Father’s world. Each one is called to love and serve the Father and discover what the Father wills for each and every one in loving service of his fellowmen.

All gifts of mind and heart and soul are from the Father and those with greater gifts must exercise humility and cultivate an attitude of loving service as I showed in My Incarnate life and through My death and risen life.