Friday, March 26th
John 7:30

All power and light and love come from the Father for He is the source of all that is. Only sin is not from Him : it is the creation of each child of man and of humanity down countless ages of the history of man. The Father gave each child of man from the beginning the power to choose to accept or reject His will and loving purpose. So one by one and corporately mankind has chosen. And now today the consequence for good and ill is suffered and experienced by one and all. For joy and pain are present, and with good and evil are perceived and known by all the Father’s children.

But I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, have come into the Father’s world at His behest. From Love I came, love was the means of My conception though My beloved Mother’s obedience and trust, in love I lived on earth, offering that pattern of perfection and loving service that the Father purposed, and for love I died. And now I lead each faithful, trusting soul to the presence of the Father in the power of my saving love, of my indwelling and through the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.