Thursday, March 4th
Matthew 7:7- 8, Matt 7:7- 8

Ask, search, knock. It is the Father’s will that all who ask receive and all who knock will have the door increasingly opened as they faithfully pursue their way in faith and trust and love. And I am both the means and the fulfilment, Our loving Holy Spirit the light and guide. What keeps the Father’s children from the great pilgrimage of life in His Eternal Presence?

Let there be no mistake or lack of understanding: the pilgrimage is the great priority and all who journey faithfully have fellowship increasingly with one another in every place and time, and grow in the perception and the power of Love Eternal. Their progress lies in the measure of their faithfulness and their commitment and to their renewal and empowering in Our saving, sanctifying love. And all who ask receive who ask will find, and all who knock will be received with joy.

What keeps the sons of men from reaching out to find and follow their soul’s true destiny? Let all who follow faithfully in the way pray to become the means of others finding it and joy and strength to all their fellow pilgrims.