Tuesday, March 2nd
Matthew 6:9-10

Let the Father’s name be known and glorified throughout His world. Has He not made the world for joy and for the bringing into glory of His whole creation? Joy in His Presence is the rightful destiny of all that lives and breathes, for he has ordered that it be so. Only those who wilfully choose their soul’s destruction through evil persistently pursued or through that constant selfishness which renders valueless the light and life and love I offer them.

The Father’s Kingdom is established in His world and it extends through every place and time and beyond the realms of human thought and knowledge and experience. All who love and live in obedience to that which We present at their soul’s centre are members of His Kingdom. All are at different stages of growth and development, and all progress according to the measure of commitment and faithfulness. Our grace, which is the Father’s love in action brings cleansing, strengthening, progress and fulfilment as it is desired and sought.

Pray that the Father’s Kingdom comes increasingly and that you may become that part of it which He designed before time was. Continually realise the Presence of the King within His Kingdom.