Sunday, March 7th
Luke 19:41

The Father has created all in love. The sons of men He brings along in every race and time and generation to share with His the mystery of love and the joy and power of His creation. His calls them freely to become His sons and daughters, each to fulfil the glorious plan which He designed from the beginning, and together build His Kingdom to extend through all eternity.

And I, the Father’s beloved Son, have lived in time to identify the pattern of perfection the Father seeks for each to follow. And through My death and risen life and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit countless numbers have attained to that perfection and so shall countless more until the world shall end.

But it is Our grief and sadness that those whom We prepared from the beginning to be the harbingers of light and messengers of hope failed to perceive their challenge and their great vocation. Let it be heard and known and fully understood that from those to whom much is given much will be required. This is the Father’s word to every child of man.