Wednesday, March 3rd
This is My commandment, "love one another as I have loved you."
John 15

Care more about the wellbeing of others than about your own. Have compassion on the one and on the many but let that suffering be constructive. Through prayer and through self-giving discover what your contribution is within the Father's will and loving purpose and work to do and give all that is necessary. And when everything is done give thanks that you are made an instrument of love: pray that your effort and your offerings may be perfected in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Never doubt but that the Father's love is over all. Nothing occurs except the Father wills or suffers it: the Total Godhead is involved with everything save sin. Sin is a rejection of the Father's love, and his whole creation suffers where it is given reign. But its reign is limited and short. For I have redeemed the world and I am the Father's love to all who seek His will and loving purpose. Seek more and more to live in Me and seek My Presence in your heart and mind that you may be My love to others even as I am the Father's love to you.