Tuesday, July 9th
When Jesus saw the crowds He felt sorry for them because they were harassed and dejected like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His Disciples, "The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to His harvest"
Matthew 9:37, 38

I am the Shepherd for all times according to Father's will and loving purpose and I draw into the joy and safety of the fold all who respond in faith and loving trust. The flock extends through endless ages, but each single sheep the Father loved into existence, for each I died and rose again. Each one receives My risen life as he responds, and each Our Holy Spirit sanctifies according to his faithfulness.

In ages past Our faithful labourers have laboured well: Our Saving Love is known throughout the world through their obedience to Our loving will and purpose. Today many are bemused by many things of man's creation, insensitive to that which constantly We speak at their soul's centre. Many need to harness reason to the intuitive centre of their heart and mind. This is the place of My Indwelling which Our Holy Spirit illumines as His light is sought, and He guides the faithful soul into the Father's glorious purpose for each and every one born into the world both in the present time and in eternity.