Sunday, July 28th
Jesus said,
"A man who has bathed needs no
further washing,
he is altogether clean: and you are
Let the heart and mind be set on
the perfection of the Most High
in love and praise and thanksgiving.
And let the will, enlightened and
fortified by Our loving Holy Spirit,
be set to be and do that which is
required. So will the inner chambers
of the soul be cleansed and the
whole being set to follow in the
way. And I enter, fill, guide and
enable all who look to Me in trust
and love and self-giving. For as
I came forth from the Father to
accomplish all that He purposed
for His world, returning to Him
when all was accomplished, so do
I accomplish in each one of His
beloved children that which He wills
and purposes according to the willingness
of each.
And I desire to cleanse the springs
of action in each child whoever
lived that each may be perfected
through My love and saving action.
So do I seek to love and save and
serve through every one who calls
upon My Name and seeks to follow
in My steps in love and self-giving.