Thursday, July 25th
Jesus said to His Disciples. "The mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are revealed to you, but they are not revealed to them. The reason is that they look without seeing and listen with out hearing or understanding."
Matthew 13:11

Happy is that child of man whose mind seeks truth, whose heart desires it, and whose will is set to follow where it leads, identifying with all that truth demands. Herein is joy, fulfilment and perfection in the end. The way of ease and limited horizons, of selfish contentment within the status quo will not bring the Father's children to that perfection that He has purposed for them, nor to that joy which is the reward of all who walk in trust and love.

Commitment to those things which challenge heart and mind and will is the way forward for those who seek the truth and light, and power to walk in it. Each of the Father's children has a different path to walk, his vision differing according to his character and gifts. As the committed one offers himself, his gifts, all that he has and is to the Father, so is his person and potential blessed, and he is made part of the fabric of the Father's eternal family in earth and Heaven,