Monday, July 29th
St. Martha
Since God has loved us so much we too should love one another ;no one has ever seen God, but as long as we love one another God will live in us and
His love will be complete in us
I John 4:11,12

I am the Resurrection and the Life: all who look to Me in faith and trust and self-giving I enter, cleanse, and fill with My Own Presence by little or by much. As I am given leave I enter heart and mind, ministering to the soul's need, and feed and water it. Love is the first fruit of the harvesting ; love for the Father through the Son and through Our Holy Blessed Spirit, then love for the Father's world both human and inanimate. I am the love, the life, the power of all that is in this, the Father's world.

And as I live in all who seek the Father's will and loving purpose so do I challenge and invite into the discipline of faithfulness, service and obedience in all things. Life in the service of the Heavenly Father is never easy: problems, setbacks and sometimes failure assail all in the way. But I, the Father's love Incarnate, lead from within the loving, dedicated soul, uniting all who love both with each other and with the Total Godhead. And We lead each faithful child into the fullness of Our life and love to rejoice with Us for evermore.