Saturday, July 13th
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows, "….it is enough for the disciple that he should be like his teacher, and the slave like his master … what I say to you in the dark tell in the daylight: what you hear in whispers proclaim from the housetops."
Matthew 10:25

I, the Father's son and Word Incarnate, became the human model for all the Father's children in all times and ages. Obediently, in humble loving trust I lived My life on earth from womb to tomb, seeking and finding the Father's will from day to day. Mind, heart and will I dedicated constantly, especially when times were hard, the way not easy to discern, and opposition increasingly confronted Me. The Father's love protected, led and guided Me at all times, and so it is for all His faithful ones who seek to do His will, and pray for light and power and guidance to follow and promote

The Father's loving will and purpose is for each child of man whom He has loved into existence to become His word and image to all his fellow men as it is given him and as he is guided and directed. And through My Saving Love and Our Holy Spirit's illumining power each of the Father's children is designed to be and say and do that which reveals Our love and Our Perfection. Such was my destiny on earth and faithfully I fulfilled it. All are called and enabled to fulfil the Father's will for them in the light and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.