Tuesday, September 4th
All the people in the synagogue were amazed and said to each other, "What is this teaching? With authority and power He gives orders to evil spirits and they come out." And the news spread throughout the surrounding area
Luke 4:36

To each and every child of the Father is given the ability to discern that which speaks of the nature of truth and good intent: such ability grows as it is used and exercised and atrophies where it is neglected or abused. Our loving Holy Spirit dwells in the hearts and minds of those who live in truth and in love: the power of Our Indwelling is strong to cast out all that is alien to the good and the holy, building up the willing soul into wholeness and holiness according to the measure of the soul's commitment.

So does the Father's Kingdom grow and prosper, and so has it been since the beginning of time as it will be to the end of it. The great and challenging matter for each and every person in the Father's world is to address and to be addressed by the truth which they encounter in every circumstance of daily life, and to respond in absolute self-giving as they will be enabled.