September 18th
that the Lord His is God."
1 Kings18:37-39
Know with the sharpness of your
mind and with the devotion of your
heart. Know with a deep desire to
listen and obey the voice within
yourself which prompts and speaks,
teaches, and imparts the deep things
of the life of the spirit. Above
all, know My presence waiting to
enable you to do those things which
are required of you and to become
that which the Father willed before
the beginning of time.
And as you do and become, in the
power of enabling love and through
the light and guiding of Our Holy
Spirit, so will you know the joy
and the peace that passes all knowledge.
Pain there will be as well for it
is the reverse side of love. But
you have the comfort of knowing
that I have trodden the way before
you for love's sake. And as through
pain and death I came, through the
Father's love and power, to the
glorious fullness of life eternal,
so do I bestow on all who are faithful
in love the fruits of My victory
and everlasting love.