Monday, September 3rd
Jesus began by saying to all in the synagogue,
"Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing"
Luke 4:21

There is a sense in which all that is has been discerned and told from time immemorial: the gathering in of all who seek the fulfilment of the Father's will in all things is nearer now than many realise. And just as in the days of My Incarnate Life only the few saw the means of their salvation, and they in faltering and uncertain fashion, so is it now in the days of the completion and fulfilment of all things.

Let all who have such light to live by as provides direction in the way look to the signs as they proceed and respond in faithful action, and let those who lack direction seek to find it in such time as still remains.

There has always been fulfilment of that which has been promised in every age and in the life of each and every beloved child of the Father. I am that fulfilment, the light and the truth of all who walk in faith and trust. Follow faithfully and so become a vessel of My life and light and truth.