Sunday, September 23rd
God is love and anyone who lives in love lives in God and God lives in him
1 John 4:16

As you hear the word, walk in the way and receive the life: so will you become filled with love which is Our Presence and Our Being. I am the soul's fulfilment and perfection, and as I am taken into the centre of the soul's redeemed selfhood, so do I reign, minister to the Father's beloved world, and bring all to the threshold of His Presence. In the fullness of time all will be brought together, as it has been redeemed and sanctified, by My Saving love to rejoice for ever in the glory of the Father.

Every child of the Father who seeks to know and be conformed to the Father's loving purpose in all things will increasingly discover that which is required of him and receive all that is necessary to accomplish and fulfil in due time. And I will make My home in every one who seeks the Father's will, loving each into that fulfilment and perfection which will bring him at the last to the fullness of the Father's Presence.

My Name and Nature is love. Anyone who lives in Me and I in him lives in the Father through the power of My Indwelling.