Thursday, September 13th
Jesus said, "Be compassionate as your Heavenly Father is compassionate."
Luke 6:36

You can give only according to the measure you receive. And you receive according to the measure of your self-giving. Ask to be given the understanding of those who have not yet set out on the way of the Father's loving purpose for them. They suffer an unhappiness at the heart's centre which the committed do not know unless they care and pray. And that unhappiness not infrequently issues in hostility to all that they do not understand in the commitment of others and also to the principles of that commitment.

Our loving Holy Spirit, who penetrates the hearts and minds of all the Father's children sees and knows all these things and seeks to encourage and strengthen in the way all who look for a better way in life and living. And He uses the compassionate heart and the mind orientated to the Father's service to enlighten and inform the mind of the uncommitted regarding the Father's loving purpose for themselves. And My Presence, which is love in action, fills the heart and mind as it is welcomed and addressed and received in the deepest parts of being.