Monday, May 8th
Jesus answered His Disciples "…….…I am not alone because the Father is with Me. I have told you all this so that you may find peace. In the world you will have trouble but be brave : I have conquered the world"
John 16:32-33

Let My words sink into the recesses of your mind and give you food for thought in depth and understanding. Let my Presence penetrate the very centre of your being that I may complete your wholeness a reach out to others. This a life-time's commission. But if you grow and prosper in the working out of it you accomplish and become all that is required of you in life and become what the Father designed you to be before the beginning of time. So it is with each and every one of the Father's beloved children the world over. Unity in diversity is the key. The Father is in Me and I in Him . I am in My beloved committed ones and they in Me. So are We moving towards wholeness and holiness as the cosmic purpose of the loving Father progresses , for all is drawn into that loving progress. The world contains much pain and perplexity. Dark places abound and wilful perversity. The heart of the father agonises over the suffering , and I suffer in the agony of all things and people.

Yet joy is at the centre of all things, love the meaning and power and fulfilment. I have overcome, and the faithful in love will share My victory to and through eternity in the glorious presence of the Father.