Friday, May 12th
Jesus showed
Himself to His Disciples a, and after
they had eaten Jesus said to Simon
Peter, "Simon, Son of John, do
you love Me more than these others
do ?…………feed
My lambs…….look after
My sheep……..feed My sheep"
There is no greater preoccupation
for a committed child of the Heavenly
Father , after loving , honouring
and worshipping your Heavenly Father
and serving Him as you are shown
- there is no greater preoccupation
than caring for and tending the
Father's beloved children. And every
child born into the world is His.
And it is a test of the authenticity
of a person's commitment to the
Father that he possesses and exercises
this concern and responsibility.
Not than any one of my Disciples
must anxiously seek out those in
need of help and continually spend
and be spent in their service. No,
it will be given what each must
do daily and in the pattern of ordinary
life. First there must be prayer,
a beseeching of the Father to know
what should be done, and the means
and opportunity to do it. So will
the feeding of My lambs and my sheep
and caring for them be a sign of
your faithfulness to Me, and to
the Father, as well as a witness
of your love for Our other beloved