Friday, May 26th
Jesus said
to the paralytic, "My child,
your sins and forgiven"
Wholeness in body, mind and spirit
requires a constant awareness of
the frailty of the human situation
for the children of the Father,
a willingness to see and accept
the presence of sin and failure
as it is experienced , and a readiness
to seek forgiveness from the Father
in and through My saving love. So
the receiving of wholeness from
Our hands may be regarded as progress
from one stage to the next. And
joy is the reward , with humility,
for all is given, not earned, freely
given in love and tenderness.
As forgiveness for sin and failure
is received, there must be a going
forward without any look or glance
at that which had offended the conscience.
It must be recognised at the centre
of being of every child of the Father
and understood without any doubting
that forgiveness once sought is
bestowed, and as it is bestowed
all relationship with its bonds
are broken. There must be no looking
back with anxious fear, but progression
in the way with joy, making restitution
where such is required.
For this I came into the world,
to reveal to the beloved children
of the Father the light and joy
of His Kingdom, to release them
to progress confidently towards
His Presence in partnership one
with another and to attain wholeness
in Me.