Tuesday May 30th
Jesus said,
"Anyone who does the will of
that person is my brother and sister
and mother"
For this cause is every living
creature born into the world - to
fulfil the purpose of their Heavenly
Father. The purpose of the natural
world is to glorify their Heavenly
Father by their very existence and
to minister by reason of their kind
to the rest of the Father's world.
Unique in creation is humankind,
the children of Father whom the
Father has created for a singular
end, namely life with Him in and
throughout eternity in conscious
fulfilment and I perfection through
My saving love and the power of
Our Holy Spirit.
But such high calling requires
the total response of mind and spirit
as life unfolds and through the
passage of time. Such response is
a lifetime's work and joy, and in
the following through of its challenges
is growth, fulfilment, engagement
in the progress of others and identification
with the loving purpose of the Heavenly
Father. How vital, then, that each
of the Father's beloved children
discovers the pattern and shape
of the world as it is in the mind
of their Heavenly Father, and adjust
their life and living , their heart
and thinking, to accommodate the
tremendous challenge and reward
of their being. Herein is freedom,
fulfilment and perpetual joy.