January 8th
John said,"
I need to be baptised by you",
Jesus replied , "Let it be so
for the present : we do well to conform
in this way with all that God requires."
When will the children of men become
what they were destined to be before
time was, namely, the children of
the Father? And how can they become
the Father's children if they do
not seek His will and walk in His
Those who have attained to what
the world sees as perfection in
life and living have perceived this
lodestar of direction and fashioned
their way according to its leading.
Some have early received the measure
of it in sacrifice and self-giving
and turned away , unwilling to take
the demanding path. So, having lost
the guiding light they lose the
Most see dimly, never quite losing
sight of the star's leading, never
fully knowing or finding the direct
way because they do not seek the
star with the abandon of self-giving
nor commit themselves to the way
in faith and trust to the purpose
of the journey.
To these last I speak now, for
the need is dire and time short
for completing all that is to be
done in orientation the Father's
children towards the direction of
his Kingdom on earth and in Heaven.
Discard irrelevance and superficial
living, seek integrity and self-giving
in the service of your Heavenly
Father that you may be found with
Him and all the faithful in love,
and with the holy angels, in eternity.