Thursday, January
Simon Peter
asked, " Lord to whom shall we
go? Thou hast the words of eternal
The words are a guide to eternal
life. My Presence is a foretaste
and promise of it. Countless children
of the Father have sporadically,
some continually, known the presence
of my guiding, caring, saving love.
But not a few have penetrated the
divide on earth through the following
of the lighting and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit, cleansed from sin not
once but many times along the way
they become the dwelling place of
my Presence. And according to the
measure of their perseverance and
self-giving they show and live out
the Father's loving purpose for
them, in the light of Our Holy Spirit
and in the power of my love.
Such is not easily attained . Only
by constant striving and not infrequent
return to the way after straying
from it can eternal life be bestowed
and the child of the Father be progressed
towards maturity and fulfilment.
Nor is he spared the griefs and
sorrows , the pains and difficulties
of daily living. Rather are they
increased , for he suffers in the
sufferings of others, giving practical
help as he is able. And he becomes
the agent of my saving love.
I have given the words of eternal
life. I am the Word giving eternal
life to all who seek it with their
heart and mind and will. Let all
who seek centre in Me . And let
them daily find time and place for
Me to centre in them that they may
have abundant life.