Monday, January 30th
Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life : he that believeth in Me , though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die."

Herein is light and life and knowledge and truth : to see the light which is offered to every child of the Father and to live in and through its illumination . And as light is the very substance and life of a plant so is that illumination the very life-blood of the soul.

As I said to Martha, "if any man walk in the day he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night he stumbleth , because there is no light in him. And how can that light be found but by seeking within himself the source of it ? I am at the source of all life, providing illumination from the centre, shining ahead as required and progress made. Integrity and self-giving in the way are the only conditions of enlightenment and progress : sloth may delay it and perversity and wilful sin destroy.

All life is one and undivided : that which produces life and growth brings it to its completion and glorious conclusion - the plant, the animal, and the human soul : to each its fullness and completion in the cosmic context of the Father's loving purpose. Eternal life is the condition of life in growth and the fulfilment of it in eternity. For such is every child of the Father designed and called. But freely he must respond to the light and life which enables growth and progress in the way. I am that light and life: seek and be found.