Monday, January 2nd
Jesus said, "It is I, be not afraid."
John 6:21

Did I not warn of the wars and rumours of wars to come before the return of the Son of Man in glory and judgement - of earthquakes in divers places , of famines and troubles? All who follow in the way in all nations should take note of dire events in depth, and see the finger of their loving Heavenly Father at work in them.

For He beckons to all who are looking for point and purpose in human life through the stringencies of grief and deprivations of catastrophe. Recent events on the national and the international scene are the backcloth of the Father's action and loving purpose. Seek the cause of the tragic situation and it lies in individual and corporate sin and failure. Even the organic catastrophes have human causation in a way still to be understood. But the love of the Father undergirds each and every situation, embraces in His love and care the torn and shattered lives . Despite grief and poignant sadness many are re-orientated to a new life which embarks on commitment to eternity and the finding in hope and promise that which they seemed to have lost. And I am present with each and every one at the turning and beyond.

Yet I challenge too. And in the scenes if desolation and through them I call to service through prayer and action of all My committed children the world over. I am in the wind and the earthquake , in the sudden catastrophe and the despair of aftermath, consoling and challenging. Let My Presence be seen and known and felt in consolation and challenge, and let My committed ones be My channels.