Sunday, January 29th
When Jesus saw their faith He said to the paralysed man,
"My son, your sins are forgiven."
Mark 2:5

Without a looking back in humility and penitence there is no way forward . In the progress through life of the child of the Father there needs must be regular consideration of situations and relationships, rectifying wherever possible those things which have been amiss. And from time to time there must needs be the retracing of steps

When the past is opened up in truth by the light of Our Holy Spirit the whole being must reject that which is seen to be amiss . As the soul responds to the , light afforded it awareness will arise of My Presence and My love : for I am the loving forgiveness of the Father. And I heal and console and strengthen for action the penitent soul , orientating it for the Father's loving purpose and engaging it in the fellowship of loving service and fulfilment.

So does the lively child of the Father grow into wholeness and maturity , qualifying, through loving obedience and trust to share the responsibility of partnership in life and work of the sons of the Father, the children of the Kingdom of Heaven Such quality of living is eternal life : sorrow and sickness, pain and deprivation and distress - none of these contrary conditions can affect those who possess this life eternal. And death, which is the gate to the fullness of life, will banish all that made for suffering and distress, and that suffering will be discovered as the obverse of joy.