Thursday, January 5th
Jesus said,"Verily I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life . I am the Bread of Life"
John 6:47-48

There is a life which is natural, given at birth, taken at death. All have this life in different form and measure. It is a fragile, ephemeral substance whose purpose is to provide a passage to eternity.

And there is life supranatural emerging from the natural as a chicken from the egg, as a butterfly from chrysalis. Both births are the Father's gifts and each is given at the appropriate time for individual and group. The one depends upon human tending and rearing, the other is drawn into being by Our Holy Spirit and fanned into existence by My Presence. The Father has given Me the care and salvation of the whole human selfhood : I tend and water and offer the life of eternity through the daily comings and goings, through relationships, through challenge to service and sacrificial self-giving.

The growth and maturity of the whole I prosper from within as I am given leave. Through quiet contemplation of lovely scenes and beauty in all manifestations, through study of truth in science and holy record, through the fragile and the strong personal relationship, in sorrow for sin and failure, in silent contemplation and meditation - I am present at all times and at every turning, The light of our Holy Spirit illumines and empowers ; I love and lead to the fullness of eternity and the Father's Presence.

Regard and take to yourself, in the perfection of My love and saving life-giving act, the sacrament of My Presence. In the humble manifestation of the Father's bounty I am present indeed, drawing to Myself and to the Father both now and through eternity the one and many.