Tuesday, January 31st
Jesus said, "Said I not unto thee you that if thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the glory of God?"
John 11:40

Believing must come before seeing in things of the spirit, for believing is commitment in the mind to that which has been revealed to the mind. And true belief is not blind but informed by the light of our Holy Spirit. So as enlightened belief is taken into the system so is light increasingly bestowed and understanding grows in the deepest centre of the soul's being. And belief gives place to knowledge.

This knowledge is not a static situation, nor is it increased by the rational, though the rational follows. It is gained by continuous commitment to that which is revealed, and continuous searching in the mind and heart for that which will be found there by reason of the commitment . In studied quietness will this be found and confidence will follow in the strength of it.

Such, in varying degrees of progress is every soul in its progress through life though some sleep along the way and some deny and seek to destroy the life which is the birthright of every child of the Father whoever lived. For every one of the Father's children I lived and died and rose again, in each one I minister as I am given leave. And each and every one reveals My love and the glory of the Father as he responds to that within himself which enlightens, enables and points to the fulfilment of all things in the company of all who have progressed in faith, and with the angels of light, in the Presence of the Father.