Sunday, February 26th
Jesus said," Anyone who wants to be a follower of Mine let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow Me."
Luke 9:23

All who renounce their self-fulfilling lives are liberated to act according to the enlightenment which follows every act of self-renunciation. The moment of self-giving is the occasion of rebirth, of awakening to Reality, and it is always at the final stage of series of reactions to Our loving approach. Sometimes only fleetingly our presence is recognised , but the experience is indelibly imprinted upon each and every child of the Father who responds in trust and commitment. And this awakening to Reality and to Our loving confrontation brings point and purpose to life and work and relationships to a degree never known before. Mind and heart are enlarged , the will engaged to the service of the Heavenly Father and to fellow men and women near and far. But there is a sacrifice in self-giving, a growing realisation that nothing is ever enough to offer the challenge of Absolute Love. And so daily there is the acceptance of that which defines true humanity, namely a sharing in the anguish of its burden and sickness , its sadness and loss. And that suffering I bore even to death and beyond and into the shades of Sheol. But I transformed the anguish of suffering through My victory on The Cross and in My risen life. And I suffer and die continually in My beloved children, lovingly beseeching each and every one to identify with Me in My work of redemption.