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Tuesday, February
Jesus said,
" Anyone who exalts himself will
be humbled, and anyone who humbles
himself will be exalted."
All are children of their Heavenly
Father, all receive gifts according
to the measure of their need and
responsibility in this world, and
all are called to respond according
to the light and guiding given them.
Where, then, I the justification
for boasting and self-importance?
The more exalted a person's place
in the scheme of things on earth
the greater the gifts and potential
for good : where, then, is the place
or justification for self-aggrandisement
? The most exalted should be the
most humble, and the greater should
be their dedication to their Heavenly
Father's loving purpose and to the
service of their fellowmen. Gifts
of mind and personal leadership
should be a challenge to service
and the occasion and means to dedication
of the whole self. And where this
is not so that child of the Father
is stunted in his growth in the
Kingdom : those whom he was given
to lead and prosper - where they
are committed children of the Father
are not deceived but recognise the
deviation from their high calling
of those who glorify themselves
. Where children of the Father are
deprived because if their failure,
their judgement is dire indeed,
unless they repent and seek forgiveness
and reconciliation. Be realists,
children of light : see and understand
the great work to which you are
called, even the least in the Kingdom,
and rejoice and thank your Heavenly
Father who calls and enables.