Sunday, December 3rd
Jesus said
to His Disciples, "……I
tell you this: anything you did for
one of My brothers here, however humble,
you did for me
To grow into full human stature
and into the unique likeness which
the Heavenly Father has purposed
for each of His beloved sons and
daughters is not difficult though
it is demanding. He looks to each
of His children to reflect His likeness
through His love and by constantly
referring to Him in joy and in thanksgiving,
in supplication and when things
go contrary to progress and happiness.
And he looks to each and every
one to love and serve father and
mother, brothers and sisters, friends
and all who are encountered in life's
way and the stranger who passes
and is seen no more. Above all,
the Father desires and expects His
beloved children to share with the
needy of every kind His bounty and
loving kindness. No loving gift
from the Father is bestowed for
selfish ends, but to be shared.
And as I am at the heart's centre
of every child of the Father who
ever lived, so do I dwell amongst
the poor and deprived, the sick,
the weary and the fearful. Often
unknown I minister, cheer and sustain
and bring hope and strength to the
hopeless and weak.
I charge every one of the Father's
beloved children the world over
who have an abundance of this world's
goods to share them with those who
have nothing. And I challenge every
human heart throughout the Father's
world to be open to receive My claim
for service to My beloved ones in
need. Let them see Me enthroned
in the hearts and minds of My needy
ones and serve me there.