Saturday, December 23rd
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Love………pray for those who treat you badly……..to those who slap you on the cheek, present the other cheek too…..Love…….and do good and lend without any hope of return….You will have great reward"
Matthew 6:38-48

Seek always and in all things to do those things which are required of you and avoid involvement in people and affairs which are outside your responsibility and required commitment. So will you be able to see and know and understand more clearly your way forward and the participation in action and in suffering. For there should be no doubt that carrying in depth any cause or person will involve sadness, a sense of loss and suffering from time to time. Ask for grace to carry and to prosper all that is given you, for grace is love in action.

Think often of the love poured out by your Heavenly Father upon every one of his beloved children and consider the response. Let this encourage and strengthen your commitment, your loving response and your sensitive reaction to the needs of others.

Above all meditate constantly on the cost of your redemption: seek to identify with the fruits of this glorious and tremendous victory of history and eternity, the redemption offered to each and every child of the Father, and rejoice continually in the joy of the Risen Son of Compassionate Love.