Tuesday, December 12th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Suppose a man had a hundred sheep and one of them stray: will he not go in search of the stray? I tell you solemnly ….if he finds it it gives him ….joy. it is never the will of your Father in Heaven that one of these little ones should be lost"
Matthew 18:12-14

Such is the condition of every one of the Father's beloved flock from time to time: all stray and wander, but each learns as he is gently retrieved or restrained where safety and security and contentment lie. And each learns to look to the Shepherd of the flock for care and sustenance and to the rest of the flock for identity, purpose and solidarity. He learns the pattern of daily living and recognises the perils and dangers which are present for the unwary. Those who pursue paths which deviate from the Shepherd's track learn to retrace their steps before harm overtakes them in the way. Each one who loses his way and becomes separate from the flock is lovingly sought up hill and down dale by the Faithful Shepherd: at no time is the search abandoned the sheep never. The only situation in which the search is unfruitful is where the sheep is set on a course of self-destruction through wilful perversity. Such is the freedom bestowed upon the children of the Father that it must endanger the very survival of the soul where evil is embraced.

There is no situation in the history of man in which a soul has been lost who looks for and desires and embraces salvation, however devious the path which he has taken, however late he comes to require it. The Faithful Shepherd has retrieved all from death and destruction by His death, given life through His life and leads His sheep to the Father's safe and glorious Presence.