Saturday, October 7th
Baruch4: 5-12, 27-29. Luke 10:17-24

‘Lord, Thy Word abideth and Thy footsteps guideth; who its truth believeth Light and Joy receiveth’.

Never doubt the Truth constantly offered nor refuse the Light and Power given to all responding to the Father’s Word in the grace and power of His love. The Father’s will and loving purpose is offered to all continuing faithful in the Way. Follow in the Way that you may increasingly receive the Truth and the Life from and through Our loving Holy Spirit.

Give glory to Him who loved you into being and protects, sustains, leads and guides you in and through Our Love. There are no limits to the Father’s Love, and each and every of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters is loved and guided, protected perfected and fulfilled as they respond to His Love in faith and trust and self-giving. And all are called to be Our love to others though Love’s indwelling and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.

‘O that we discerning His most holy learning, Lord may love and fear Thee, evermore be near Thee’.