Tuesday October 10th
Jonah 3:1-10. Luke 10:38-42

The Father speaks ceaselessly and constantly in His created world to the sons and daughters of His Love. Many see and hear Him in and through the natural world, many through the Scriptures, and some through their brothers and their sisters whom they meet in the comings and the goings of their daily life. And some few put time aside daily to rest and listen in stillness and in quiet with heart and mind open to receive what their loving heavenly Father seeks to give them – the peace which goes beyond all human understanding - empowering them in His service according to His will and loving purpose.

Give time and place each day to offer yourself and all think and plan to Him who loved you into being and seeks to lead you in the way of service, perfection and fulfilment in His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love in time and through eternity.

So will it be given you to do the Father’s will and fulfil His loving purpose for you and for all whom you are given to meet long the way, as you respond to His Word through Love’s indwelling and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.