Tuesday, October 31st
Romans 8:18-25. Luke 13:18-21

Slowly but surely the Father’s loving purpose is revealed; little by little, line by line His Word is revealed in His created world and all faithful to His Word and loving purpose in and through Our love are brought to perfection and fulfilment in the fulness of eternity.

The Kingdom of the living, loving God has been present in His world from the beginning; all responding to the Father’s Word and faithful in His love have entered it, goodness and beauty, faithfulness and love grow in the heart and mind of all who seek the Father’s will and do it in the grace and power of his Love. And the Father’s Kingdom grows increases and prospers through Love’s indwelling ad the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.

Continue, then, in faith and trust and love, beloved of the Father and of Word and Love Incarnate, and let the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will reach out to others through your faithfulness in and through His Love and bring progress in the Way as they respond in faith and trust and self-giving.